Monday, February 26, 2007

LID - January 30, 2007

We've reached another milestone. We found out today that our Dossier was Logged in with the CCAA on January 30, 2007. (LID stands for "Log In Date".)

We also recieved an update on Paul William.

(The following is an exact copy of what we recieved from China.)

"He can feed himself with spoon. He goes to potty on his own but needs help to wipe out. He can take off shoes, socks, and shirt. He is a good host - when someone visits he helps to have people to find place to sit. He like to help with chores such as sweep the floor, clean the table and put dishes away after dinner. He likes to help taking care the younger brother (the other foster child). He likes to play with older kids also such as jumping robe, playing balls. He speaks very well can say long sentences like: I am going to get some snack please wait for me."

Paul William is now 37 inches tall and weighs 33 pounds.

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