Monday, June 09, 2008

One year ago . . .

Throughout life there are many significant dates that we come to remember. Some good, others not so good. Most mark some event. A birth, a death, marriage etc.

June the 9th will always be burned into our memories. In fact most of the entire month of June will be as well. One year ago today, June 9, 2007 the Ogle family arrived in China. The day marked the beginning of a 3 week period that changed our lives and our family forever.

The past 12 months have been an amazing adventure for our family. The changes from those first few days in China to where we are today are hard to describe or imagine. Friends told us (warned us) that there would be difficult times, and there were. We prepared as well as we could and planned for the worst and as it turns out we think we got the best.

We finally settled into a routine that seems as normal as any routine can be with a lively 3 year old in the house. Many of the issues we had with Paul William are now resolved. Eating and sleeping are much improved. His language is as good as any child his age. (Maybe even better than some.) He is happy and thriving, and so are we!

Last week we had our one year follow up with our social worker. This was our last visit with her. She will send one final report to our agency who will forward it to the China Center for Adoption Affairs (CCAA).

At times we look at Paul William and shake our heads in disbelief. They REALLY let us be his mom and dad! WOW! How did we get so lucky? People still tell us what a lucky little boy he is, but just as any adoptive parent will tell you, NO, we are the lucky ones.

Part of the reason for this blog has not only been to share our journey to Paul William but to also create a journal so that he will have a record of our lives coming together. Over the next few days we will be posting some of the pictures from our time in China and doing a little recap of what we did, where we traveled and what we saw.

We hope you will enjoy it!

The Ogle family


The Princess's Mommy said...

Oh Greg and Mary Louise,
How can it already be a year? The transformation in your sweet boy has just been a joy to watch! He is so precious and full of life! We are so blessed to have been able to share this journey with you!

We love you all!
Steve, Monica, David, Landon and Lily Mei

Tina said...

Hard to believe it's been a year!
I know you'll always keep those memories close to your heart, thanks for sharing-