Saturday, June 23, 2007

Hello from Guangzhou

This is the view from our hotel room window.

This picture is a little out of focus but I couldn't resist a shot of our "little" boy asleep on our "big" boy.

Chinese Dragon Boats

Well, we made it. The wait at the airport in Wuhan was no fun. Special thanks go to Lifeng for helping out on our first plane trip. Once the plane was in the air things calmed down and we had a pretty uneventful flight.
Feng Feng fell asleep in the van on the way from the airport to the hotel. We were able to get him to the room and in bed without waking. Then "baba" got real "smart" and tried to remove his shoes. BIG mistake. He was back up for hours. We (I) won't make that mistake again. As we say at home; "let a sleeping dog lie."
This morning we had a nice walk around Shamian Island where the hotel is located. It's a very nice area. We agreed that there were similarities with parts of New Orleans, one of our favorite cities. We stopped and had his picture made for his US visa. We then had his medical exam. He did pretty well. The nurses and doctors were great with him.

We explored inside the hotel. There is an indoor waterfall. (Pictures later.) And the pool at the bottom is full of big goldfish. He loved it.

We have spent most of the afternoon in the hotel. The temperature outside is hovering right at 100 and it's humid.

We had a final appointment this afternoon with Lifeng to complete the LAST of our paperwork. The adoption was finalized with the Chinese government yesterday and the only thing left was US Immigration paperwork. WOW, there really is an end to the "paperchase". (We think.)

This afternoon we started hearing booming drum beats and went outside to investigate. Our hotel is right on the Pearl River. Today was the Chinese Dragon Boat races. Above is a picture for our friends back home who are celebrating the Dragon Boat races with their Chinese children today. The picture is of 2 boats being towed back. The race was actually this morning. It sure was neat to see the real thing but at this point I think we would all have chosen to be at home with all of you.

We are all tired and ready to wrap this trip up and come home. Wednesday can't come soon enough.

More later . . .

Big Greg


Anonymous said...

Wow- your trip sounds like it's been pretty amazing. As soon as I can, I'm coming back home so I can meet Paul William. It looks like that might not be until the weekend after the fourth of july though. :(

Sonya said...

That is a GREAT picture of your "little boy" asleep on your "big boy"!!!

Mary Louise you know what I am going to say.......
SHOP TIL YOU DROP!!! And, HAVE FUN! I sooooooo wish I were there with you! I LOVE GUZ!


Anonymous said...

I am really enjoying reading your blog! Keep posting!

Unknown said...

You finally made it to Guangzhou - the end of this incredible journey!
Isnt Shamian Island the neatest little place, I love it there! How far is the Embassy from The White Swan? It used to be right next door.

The pic of Greg Jr and Paul William is precious! It looks like they have bonded well. Is Greg enjoying all this attention?1?

We CANT WAIT to see all of you wednesday! Do you have a car seat etc? Is Jim, your mom and dad picking you up? Anne and I will be there very anxiously waiting for your arrival. Can we do anything for you before you get home?

Get lots of "treasures" in Guangzhou for Paul William for his later years. You will so glad you did!
Much love!

Russ and Lisa W. said...

We are SO ready to meet Paul William. We missed you at the Dragon Boat Races, I used your Photo of the ones on your blag for my blog! lol Say hello to the Carters when you see them!! We miss you all very much. Have a safe flight home this week.

Love, Lisa & Russ