Monday, June 25, 2007

Both our babies are napping right now. Greg(son) deserves a nap-he has truly been wonderful since James Paul William joined our family. He has walked him up and down China, played with him, tried to comfort him when he has been unhappy, and done it all with a smile. We have been very proud of him and of his attitude throughout it all. We would not have made it through yesterday and the night before without him, when our little one was so unhappy. After staying up all night and then all day yesterday, JPW finally went to sleep last night about 11:00-with his shoes on, of course. He has only slept one night without them on and that was the first night. It is ok with us if that makes him feel better right now. Today he woke up happy and has eaten like they told us he would-like a little tiger. He has eaten like crazy since he found chopsticks last night that came with our take out. Duh!! We had not had any until then and at every meal he has insisted on feeding himself with the biggest fork or spoon available. (It was not working really well.) BTW, Greg bought a set on our shopping trip this morning. It is all but impossible to have a regular schedule but we are trying. It is hot but I am ok with it. The shopping is fun here and it is easier to do with the less traffic. Lifeng took us to the "shopping street" where all the Chinese were and it was unbelievable the amount of shops and people. The street is closed to vehicles and completely covered from side to side with people. Greg thought that there were more people on the street than live in Decatur! China has been so different than Europe, it is great that he has gotten to experience it with us. We do go tomorrow to the US Consulate, about an hour away, and take our oath and get his visa. We can then leave Wednesday morning and be in Decatur Wednesday afternoon!:O Please pray for us(and everyone on our flight) because did we tell you? he travels worse than I do!! We will fly from Guangzhou to Tokyo, Tokyo to Detroit and then to Huntsville.
Our friends from Athens, Monica and Steve Carter, arrived last night from Chongqing with their new daughter Lily Mei and her two older brothers. We think they will be on our flight home(they may regret that decision). :) They are right down the hall from us in our hotel. We "know" several families here who were with us in Wuhan. It is like a small support group, we are all encouraging each other and have empathy for each other when we tell our stories of how it is going. It is actually rather amazing.
Mary Louise


Unknown said...

Hi Ogles! I know you are thrilled to have some company from friends at home! Wednesday will be here before you know it. Ralph and I got a good chuckle out of the chop sticks story. If sleeping with his shoes on and using chop sticks to eat are what it takes, then you are a lucky family! Enjoy your last day in China and know we are all praying for your safe return and Paul William's homecoming! If you need something ready here at home, let me know.


P. S. Ben never liked traveling in the car or airplane either. It turns out, he has motion sickness. (It only took us a year to figure that one out!) Be careful what you feed Paul William on the plane in case that's what is bothering him.

alison said...

I'll be praying for that flight home. It is a killer!! But, once it's over you'll be a home with your sweet little boy!!

Buffi Young said...

Hey Mary Louise,
We are definitely praying for you guys a smoother trip home. It is wonderful that you have the support group with you. I'm sure adjustment is challenging at times...but this is normal and things will get back to normal quickly!! We're praying for you guys and are so excited that you've had a good and safe trip!

Mrs. Hall said...

We bribed Marci with M&M's on the flight home..that plus the in flight movie (nemo) was enough to get her over the "hump" of the flight. We gave Katie some Benedryl..but it didn't make her sleepy..just WILD! eek!
Can't wait to see you guys and the Carters!! Amy H.

Unknown said...

Not only has this been a trip of a lifetime for Greg Jr. but he has also experienced a very special bond with Paul William coming into your family. It sounds like he has been an amazing trooper and wonderful BIG brother! GOD had it planned just the way it should be and has turned out.

Is it HOT there?!? Almost too much to bear in the middle of the day hunh? Have you taken Paul William in the pool with the waterfall? How neat that you have met up with some of the families that you know from "back home"

Wishing you a safe and uneventful trip home! We cant wait to see all of you!
Much love!

divrchick said...

I'll be praying for a safe trip home as well.

He's a gorgeous little boy (looks quite tall for his age too!) and you're all so very lucky to have found each other!

Kristina - via Canada, via Chicago, via Huntsville

Anonymous said...

I leave for Phoenix tonite but can't wait to see you all sometime soon. Little Greg, you are a saint. I know ML would have melted down a long time ago without you and dad along ;). Love to all of you, FMC ML,